Marion Ellyard and Russell Collins, Taste Of Love
(19 to 21 February 2016)
Of Love Taste
Of Love Facebook Taste
Of Love Instagram
Body and Sprit Byron
Bay Promotions

are the website addresses where people can find out
more about it?
line up:
has the new media, internet and the social media landscape
assisted you with your upcoming event and promotions?
has really helped us connect with the right sort of
audience. We already have strong ticket sales and
many wonderful people attending the event. People
can leave their details with us, and we get back to
them with more information.
when and why did you develop the events you organise
and specifically the Taste Of Love festival?
being a specialist on human behavior, relationships,
started in 2015 so it's still fairly new for me to
do large events on this scale. Both myself and my
business partner have lots of experience working with
people and businesses over 15 years, and we enjoy
the process of putting our head down and doing what
needs to be done to get the best event for our clients,
who become friends. Its so unique. We really
care about people and love. The event itself runs
smooth and professional but doesnt lack care,
a nurturing touch, fun and relaxation either, plus
we also also yummy food. There's also some market
stalls at the venue itself and you can really chill
out there.
Out of all the interesting topics
and speakers coming up at the Taste of Love festival
what main subjects do you personally find most interesting
and why?
this is a funny question. Russell and I and a few
other people do the line up. Its a tough criteria.
W consider at least 10 key points when we select a
presenter. We usually get at least 3 times more applications
than what we can accept. So who gets in has to have
credentials, experience, unique presentation and relevant
work for us to even consider them. So in short I do
love all the presentations and I am upset that I wont
be able to attend all of them. But to answer your
question I am very excited about Margot Anand coming.
Se has been a tantra teacher for over 30 years, she
is world known, and just wrote an autobiography. Her
energy is amazing although she is an older lady now,
she can blow a whole audience away with her energy
field, laughter and stories. I cant wait to
meet her and do her workshop. Via Skype she was already
great so how much more can I expect in life!
your vast experiences what main surprises and even
misconceptions do you think may exist with the greater
self development and human relationship industry as
a whole? What about the Taste Of Love festival specifically?
With the Taste Of Love festival what I believe is
a beautiful group of people that are willing to open
up and learn about themselves and others including
spirituality, self awareness, love for themselves
and others, sexual beliefs and conditionings. A misconception
might be that its an event about sex, dating
or nudity. The crowd is very sincere and eager to
learn and further their lives to some extend whether
that is in a personal relationship, business aspects
and health. Needless to say everybody attending our
beautiful festival will learn a lot more about themselves
and others and have a fun filled time, full of connection,
celebration and growth.
your journey thus far of running a festival of this
nature what would you say have been some of the major
highlights and extraordinary experiences to date?
dear there are so many. I never looked back once I
started to research and experience human behavior
and development work. I have experienced moments where
I truly met myself in my most
deepest humanity, vulnerability and all I could see
was connected love in myself and others. I have experienced
different flows of intense energy in my body as I
was unlocking my body of
blockages and as a result of doing this work I feel
confident, self love and acceptance and I am in a
wonderful mature relationship now feeling inspired
and aware to co-create a life free from shame, guilt
and conditionings and work in a field I know helps
others to experience the same.
do you anticipate will be some of the highlights,
breakthroughs and experiences that yourself and attendees
will be expecting at your upcoming Taste Of Love festival.
The highlight of this festival is the experience itself.
The work brings people close together you meet people
make new friends and connections, even business connections.
You learn so much and experience so much that your
body, mind and soul feels fulfilled and rejuvenated,
seen and pumped for the New year. Moments of bliss
and ecstasy, of a huge crowd of people coming together
as strangers and leaving as friends. Well if that
is not a miracle then I dont know what is. Shiny
eyes, big smiles and fun lots of fun, great conversations
over the meal times and breaks. It's going to be so
rewarding and fun for everyone.

