Ally Thomas, tantra practitioner, coach and author
Body and Spirit Australia

What or who inspired you to
write your book What Women Really Want
6 Tantric Sex Techniques for Men and Couples?
friends - my life story and how Tantra and my business
was interwoven. I called it Finding My Passion
with Tantra. When it was finished I realized
that quite a few people might not want to be in a
book about tantra and so I divided it into 2 books.
It sat around for a while, until I attended a workshop
in Brisbane on 7 July 2014 called The Book Inside
Me. Steve Brossman said something that really
got me motivated. He said if you have a message
to give to the world (and everyone has), you can either
whisper it one to one, or shout it out by writing
a book!
How long has it taken you to
write it?
4 years, on and off
What is your passion?
passion is tantra, tantra massage and teaching people
about sacred sexuality, feeling the shifts and seeing
the healing that people have as a result.
How to you teach something esoteric
and intangible as Tantra?
by example. As I am passionate about it, I live what
I teach. Sometimes there is a sort of transmission
of energy, if the person is ready for it. It can be
a physical, spiritual or emotional release. Everyone
learns something from my Tanta Pleasure Experience
and some people get more than they expect! See Testimonials
on my website.
What is Tantra Pleasure Experience?
Tanta Pleasure Experience is a sensual erotic tantric
massage, where I teach men how to control their orgasm
and ejaculation (and erection). Its very relaxing
and energizing. Some people have a full body orgasm,
others feel tingling energy for 24-48 hours afterwards.
I teach women how to tune into their feminine energy
and move energy around their body with their breathing.
Its very nurturing and sensual and relaxing.
long has your Tantra massage and Tantra training business
been running?
2008 seven years
What is your website?
Do you train people to do what you do?
I have trained 10 people both Men and Women
to do tantra massage either for personal or
business purposes. Training is one-one and flexible.
More information on
Where do you practise and teach tantra?
am based in Adelaide, and travel all over Australia
and New Zealand. Perth, Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne,
Canberra, Newcastle, Rockhampton, Auckland, Wellington
and other towns and cities. See my schedule on my
Who do you teach?
women couples one-one, couples, 3 hour Playshops,
Couples weekend workshops (Bring Back the Honeymoon)
Do you have videos on You Tube?
I have three 2 about my tantra massage and
one about my book
What else do you want to know?
Tantra Teacher, Trainer & Healer
My Tantra Massage
JOY Just Organising You
of upcoming ebook and book "What Women Really
Want: 6 Tantric Techniques for Men and Couples
to be released 2015
have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking
the books and the stars. I started listening to the
teaching of my Soul. ~Rumi
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