Positive Connection

Positive Connection - Neal Cameron

Positive Connection is the creation of Maroubra Beach icon, Neal Cameron.

Neil has been in the surfboard industry for the majority of his working like. Today he creates just about anything out of plastic and fiberglass, including fashion and swimwear! He has done numerous collaborations with costumers such as Lisa Walpole, Jean Taylor and Peta Cutts. Together they have a costume showcased in the Swarovski Museum.

Could it be long before fashion models of the world sport Cameron's fiberglass "numbers", that go under the brand, "Chameleon Clothing". Don't laugh. Australian model superstar, Imogen Bailey is amongst Cameron's biggest advocates.

Cameron is currently in production of a surfing television production series.



Chameleon Clothing official website

Imogen Bailey official website

Bushrat Surfboards official website


Chameleon Clothing

Neal Cameron

Imogen Bailey profile

Indy Karts

Media Man Australia - Coastal Directory

Media Man Australia - Maroubra Beach Directory