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Movie Of The Month

Birth Of The Endless Summer

Birth of the Endless Summer Trailer


The documentary "Birth of The Endless Summer: Discovery of Cape St. Francis" reveals the untold story behind Bruce Brown's iconic film "The Endless Summer." It follows the journey of Dick Metz, a California surf pioneer, as he travels the world from 1958 to 1961. Metz's adventures lead him to discover the "perfect wave" at Cape St. Francis in South Africa, which inspires Bruce Brown to create "The Endless Summer" and revolutionize the sport of surfing. The film also documents Metz's return to South Africa at the age of 90 to retrace his original journey. It features interviews with influential figures in the surfing world, including Metz, Bruce Brown, and other surfers. The premiere of the film at the Newport Beach Film Festival is particularly special for director Richard Yelland, as it tells a personal story rooted in his hometown.

This is for the North American theatrical release of the film.

For more information, go to:




Coolangatta Gallery

Sean Scott

Sean Scott is passionate about his work, and dedicates his time to taking stunning pictures of the ocean, and coastal landscapes. He is a talented and highly sought after photographer located in beautiful Burleigh on Gold Coast, in Australia.

Surrounded by the stunning coastline, which captures his inspiration and imagination, Sean is also one of Australia’s leading surf photographers. However he has directed his focus away from the mainstream competition circuit and focused on capturing our surf landscape; from the huge surf with its classic lines to subtle sunrise and sunsets. This has meant taking his camera out into the waves to gain that unique perspective. Sean is also working on an ‘ocean art’ film capturing the essence of our surf culture and the moods of our beautiful coastline.

Sean delivers the highest quality pictures on canvas and in frames in the best quality materials that highlight his amazing work.

Click here to browse Sean’s gallery online. (Credit: Sean Scott Photography).



Sean Scott Photography


Slide Cafe

