The Yubo Live Social Discovery App Explores the Surprising Benefits of "Going With the Flow"

The Yubo Live Social Discovery App Explores the Surprising Benefits of “Going With the Flow”

In the ever-evolving social media universe, major social platforms use varied tactics to keep users engaged. Company-specific algorithms largely determine the user profiles, messages, and content viewers see. Taken together, these tactics are designed to keep generating clicks and keep users on the respective platform. This strategy benefits the social media platform while not encouraging authentic user interactions.

Fortunately, social discovery platforms are refreshingly different. These inviting online venues focus on building friendships rather than generating metrics. For example, the friendship-based Yubo app has banished “Likes” and Follows” from its popular platform. Instead, Yubo offers multiple ways for Gen Z users to engage with each other.

Live Social Discovery App Yubo Focuses on Authenticity

The Yubo live social discovery app has become a major global player in this increasingly popular space. This Paris-based platform focuses on making genuine connections that can lead to satisfying friendships. Here, Yubo highlights three ways users can replace carefully crafted engagements with authentic (and downright fun) interactions.

Banish the Unrealistic Focus on Perfection

Social media has been woven into the fabric of modern life. This digital tool enables seamless connections with family and friends. Users can chat about intriguing topics or develop a new personal passion. Music or fashion fans can follow the latest trends. Travelers can explore their favorite destinations before they even arrive.

Intentionally or not, social media has also developed a focus on perfection. Users often share their trendiest outfits while leaving their everyday clothes in the closet. They post social gathering photos that showcase a nicely furnished home or well-outfitted outdoor living space. They share vacation photos of stunningly beautiful destinations that perhaps didn’t meet their expectations.
Not surprisingly, users who view this endless stream of idealized content may begin to feel that they don’t match up. To make matters worse, this focus on perfection can distract them from their own positive attributes and talents.

How Yubo is Different

Fortunately, the Yubo live social discovery app focuses on friendship, not perfection. This innovative platform makes it easy for same-aged users to meet online friends from around the globe. Once connected, they can chat about similar interests, talk about favorite foods or music styles, or share tips on fun vacation spots. As long as everyone respects Yubo’s Community Guidelines, users are welcome to engage in freewheeling real-time discussions.

The Same Old Boring (Fill in the Blank) Content

Sophisticated social media algorithms easily identify each user’s personal preferences and tastes. To obtain this information, the algorithm views the individual’s past content choices, posted content, and trackable purchases. Based on this information, the user sees an unlimited stream of content that follows the same predictable formula.

How Yubo is Different

Yubo emphasizes cultivation of authentic friendships rather than delivery of curated content. The Yubo team makes it simple for same-aged users to connect with others from varied cultures. In addition, teens and young adults can identify other users with similar interests.

Taken together, these interactions often open the door to broadened horizons and even creative collaborations. In other words, Yubo users are often surprised (and even delighted) with the quality of their conversations.

Embellished Stories, Not Authentic Accounts

Social media users often see a steady stream of curated content. To grab someone’s interest, Internet and media sources often embellish (and even exaggerate) elements of certain stories. Although likely to deliver higher readership numbers, these tales may not publish accurate information.

How Yubo is Different

A user who hears about someone’s real-life experience is often transported into the moment. Perhaps they hear the emotion in the person’s voice. Maybe the details help them visualize the events that took place that day. Sometimes, the experience may spark a creative idea or inspire a new life direction. Every person-to-person interaction has the potential to change both people in some positive way.

Yubo happily embraces these authentic interactions. The Yubo platform invites connected users to enjoy a personalized chat or an energetic livestream. Either way, users will be treated to a real-life experience they won’t forget.

Yubo Offers Two Ways to Connect

Yubo makes it easy for its global user base to connect. With just a few clicks, two (or more) users can enjoy a personalized chat or a multi-user livestream.
Lively One-to-One Chats

Yubo’s personalized chats are similar to casual conversations with real-life friends. To begin, both users create a friendships on the Yubo platform. Once they accomplish that task, they are free to chat about any topic that sparks their interest. Naturally, they’ll be expected to comply with the Yubo Community Guidelines, which all users agreed to follow during the sign-up process.
Globally Popular Livestreams

Yubo livestreams (called “Lives”) have become the app’s most popular communication tool. Each Live includes multiple users, just like good friends who gather in someone’s home.

Each Yubo Live involves one to 10 users, all able to stream at once. There’s no limit on the number of users who can comment on each streamer’s Live. A streamer typically chats about their day, showcases a distinctive talent, or talks about a relevant trend or cause.

Two Targeted Search Capabilities

Finding another Yubo user with similar interests can spark an easy conversation. Yubo also makes it easy to identify other users near a specific location.

The Versatile “Profile Tag” Feature

Yubo understands that users want to connect with others with similar values and/or interests. When each user creates their app profile, they select multiple topic tags that help define them. Other users who search for those attributes will see all users that selected them. To date, more than six million Yubo users have used the profile tag functionality.

The Innovative “Near You” Feature

Yubo’s Infinity Pack subscription is the gateway to the app’s recently introduced "Near You" functionality. Subscribers can use the feature to find local users who may wish to meet for coffee or attend an event. Users traveling alone can ask a “Near You” user to join them for a sightseeing tour or restaurant meal. In fact, this popular new feature can be used in multiple ways.

User Safety is the Top Priority

Safety-conscious Yubo maintains a robust online user safety program. First, each user must meet the app’s 100 percent age verification criteria. Each approved user is consistently monitored by the Yubo algorithm and trained Safety Specialists, all searching for inappropriate and/or harmful content. Real-time livestream video and audio moderation flag Yubo Community Guidelines violations.

Finally, Yubo’s well-regarded Safety Board provides safety-related guidance that can help inform policies along with individual event responses. Taken together, these safety measures help promote the safe online platform experiences every Yubo user deserves.