Messages On Hold

Messages On Hold

Shane Warne and Bessie Bardot

In total, your callers can spend hundreds, even thousands of hours On Hold each year! That's a lot of wasted time.

It makes sense to keep these callers informed while they wait with Messages On Hold... informative messages, mixed with music.

You have your callers' complete attention at what is virtually point of sale. Many of your waiting callers have their pens poised, their order books open, they want to know how you can help them, SO LET'S TELL THEM.

In order to enhance your phone image with Messages On Hold, you need only select a package that suits your business. We offer a range of options all of which include a pre-determined number of audio productions and use of a digital announcer. This unit stores audio on computer chip for perpetual replay with no moving parts so reliability is unequalled.

Upgrading to Messages On Hold is like employing a sales/PR person that talks to every caller you place On Hold. And remember, your On Hold system never calls in sick, it sounds as enthusiastic at 5pm as it does at 9am and talks to every single caller placed On Hold, all for just a few cents per call.

You simply provide us with bullet points and our copywriters will craft a script for your approval. Once approved, it will be recorded in one of our 5 digital studios and can be on air at your premises within minutes of being recorded, that's right, MINUTES!

Remember, your On Hold facility is one of the only promotional mediums you truly own. If your callers like what they hear, they can act on it within seconds. (Credit: Messages On Hold)


Messages On Hold

Kym Illman official website

Messages On Hold at the AFL

Melbourne Grand Prix 2000

Melbourne Grand Prix 1999

Rugby World Cup 2003

Marat Safin's Girlfriend

Shane Warne and Bessie Bardot


Kym Illman

Shane Warne

Ambush Marketing


News Articles

October 2006 - Under Attack - Marketing Magazine - Media Survival Guide - article

How to Clinch Media Sponsorship

Warne wrong'un a hit with ex-model

Ambush marketing under fire

Spin king

Guerrilla tactics: The new face of marketing

Mediaman is delighted to have assisted Messages On Hold with their media requirements and strategy