Human Statue Bodyart returns to number 1 position in internet rankings for Australia: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Canberra; Media Man internet and new media strategy pays off for creative arts agency

Human Statue Bodyart returns to number 1 position in internet rankings for Australia: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Canberra; Media Man internet and new media strategy focussed on search engines pays off for creative arts agency - August 2013


Human Statue Bodyart Human Entertainment Bodypainting Bodyart Human Statues

Creative Arts Arts Events Media Man Agency Search Engines

Australian creative arts agency Human Statue Bodyart has returned to number one position on the search engines for almost all search results relating to human statues, bodypainting and bodyart for all Australian capital cities.

The well known creative arts company teamed up with the Media Man agency and pushed forward with a new media and media campaign which focussed on both search engine results (primarily organic results), as well as generating positive mainstream media reports and the campaign by all accounts has been a massive success.

Media Man has worked with many brands over the years in assisting them with their mainstream media and new media presence, however the Human Statue Bodyart - Human Entertainment campaign just may have been their most successful campaign to date. They have also worked with other outstanding brands including WWE, UFC, Messages On Hold, Hilton Hotels, Virgin Enterprises Limited, Virgin Games, Digital Entertainment, DC Comics - Warner Bros, Marvel Entertainment and Paramount Pictures.

More more developments with the Human Statue Bodyart campaign keep checking their official websites as well as the Media Man network, and of course keep searching the search engines such as Google and Yahoo!, and the brand will be impossible to miss.

Art is not sustainable art without a solid business model and treating art as a business, and on that note Human Statue Bodyart has excelled with flying colours.


Human Statue Bodyart

Human Entertainment

Media Man Int

Media Man