Human Statue Bodyart ramps up American and Americana themed designs with body paint and human statues

Human Statue Bodyart ramps up American and Americana themed designs with body paint and human statues; American, Australian and world flag designs popular


Human Statue Bodyart Human Entertainment Statue Of Liberty Australia Coney Island


Human Statue Bodyart Human Entertainment

American and Americana themed bodypainted and facepainted designs are some of the most popular designs that Human Statue Bodyart has created.

The creative arts studios, based in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, has created thousands of designs over the past ten plus years, and American (and flag and country themed designs) remain some of the most sought after.

The Italian - Venetian statues, as well as Greek, Greek god and goddess statues are also extremely popular.

Contact Human Statue Bodyart today to see how their bodypainted designs, human statues and corporate entertainment statues can help make your upcoming event truly memorable.


Americana Girl - 'Coney Island', Zeta Bar, Sydney Hilton Hotel




Statue Of Liberty

Australian Flag 'Make Love Not War'

Captain America and Wonder Woman

Marvel Entertainment - Captain America and more

Italian - Venetian Statues

Olympic Games - Ancient Greek Olympics