The Crocodile War

The Crocodile War
(Credit: The Poles)

Sep 16, 2004 08: 25 EST

Just a few months ago the entire world was up in arms over Steve Irwin, known around the world as the Crocodile Hunter, swimming too close to whales in Antarctica.

That situation sparked worldwide media interest and a subsequent investigation that ultimately vindicated Steve Irwin of any wrongdoing. He also recently made the headlines when he came extremely close to a croc, while holding his baby in his hands. He commented to the Sun-Herald about the entire situation, "When you get to be the greatest wildlife warrior that's walking on earth, mate, you've got to take the good with the bad."

Well, the greatest wildlife warrior has better cut his teeth sharp, cause here's another battle coming up; Crocodile Mick is mad as hell. This mail just arrived at ExWeb's newsdesk:

"G- day,
I thought you may like to look at this, it has just broke in the news and just hit Hong Kong, Mick and Steve Irwin are at logger heads again and Mick won't back down.

Subject: News poll on Steve Irwin and the Crocodile Hunters - Have your Say

A news poll has just been set up in the media at We are looking for your support to ask your viewers and listeners and all the Australia public to vote on Should Steve Irwin "only" keep the name Crocodile Hunter.

He does not have the name "The Crocodile Hunter" even registered, As Australian Securities Commission quoted No-one can own "THE" so at the end of the day Steve Irwin's mob asked Mick Pitman to stop using the name "Crocodile Hunter" there are 134,000 sites that reference Crocodile Hunter.

A 'Real' Crocodile Hunter denies zoo plot to Blow up Australia Zoo!

On Thursday night after the bombing of the Australian Embassy which we had just finished watching the Police paid Mick a visit, they had a complaint from Australian Zoo that Mick said he was going to blow up Australia Zoo.

Bad Taste or what.

Now this is the real story. A war of words has erupted between two of Queensland's crocodile hunters yet again. One of Australia's real crocodile hunters, Mick Pitman (there are other ones too..) Mick has been targeted by Australia Zoo again. Mick finds it very bad taste on Australia's Zoos part.

Easier to talk to Sir Richard Branson

But Mick says all he wants is for Steve Irwin to apologize for the name row last year between Steve and Mick over the name "CROCODILE HUNTER."

"I phone up to talk to Steve, but was told no-one can talk to him, Looks like it is easier to talk to Sir Richard Branson.

I talked to them and asked them for an apology because the trademark name row. We had a blow up last year and guess what isn't even owned by Steve," he said.The Australian Securities Commission said no one can own "THE" naming "THE CROCODILE HUNTER" and THE can not be registered . So what was it all about then...

I was threatened with litigation from the company if I used the name "CROCODILE HUNTER'," he said last year. Which is what I do.

Aussie lingo

I told Australia Zoo that if Steve didn't give me an apology the story would blow them out of the water in the media. Not Blow up Australian Zoo. What has the Australia come to when Australia Zoo doesn't even understand the Aussie lingo, and it gets taken out of context like that.

THERE ARE about 134,000 WEBSITES that refer to "CROCODILE HUNTER" And after that episode, I want an apology, this is a normal reaction from anyone and is common respect, to be courteous is the norm in any industry, don't you think! That's why I called Steve! We ask your listeners and viewers to take part in this poll. Have your say!

Steve Irwin is the host of the “Crocodile Hunter” series and the director of the Australian Zoo. He is often seen along with his wife Terri on the television program visiting exotic places and getting close to exotic animals.


Crocodile Hunter Petition

Crocodile Mick Online


Crocodile Mick Pitman