Interview - Emma Barbato, Founder and Director, Emazon TV

Interview: Emma Barbato, Founder and Director, Emazon TV


Mind, Body and Sprit


What's your main job / career / business purpose?

Emazon TV has many branches it expands to however its main purpose to educate predominately women and the fitness industry of the rapid change in cultural psychology in the health and beauty industries. I know it to be a Rebellion that is being lead by women to break away from commercial fitness and traditional weightloss in to new industry of wellness. I educate, lecture and coach people in the public and in their business on ho to adjust to the change.

How and when did you break into your business?

I launched Emazon in 2000 after being inspired by a 2year study and exploration adventure in the US. I conceived Emazon while training and studying in the US as I knew there would be a growing demand for body, mind and spirit to be united into one doctrine of teaching.

What's your motto?

The change is here. Your body Your Rules

What's your main current project?

Emazon TV has evolved into being a production company of events and education resources. So I am currently working on a number of online development projects for education as well as producing live events that inspire and educate.

Best advice ever given?

Interpersonal: It is very easy for this industry to consume you to be there for everyone else. It can become a beast of its own and can delude you to believe you are serving purpose that can soon become a "sentence". Don’t ever allow what you do become an obligation. It must be and ONLY must be for the pure excitement and passion of expression. A lot of trainers and coaches do struggle with this deep down as they can become subtly addicted to the praise and adoration that comes with helping people. You can never allow this to be your driving force.

Business: Never attempt to do it all yourself. Get a good graphic designer, accountant, online or social media advisor, do workshops and courses that teach you business skills along with your coaching education. Gather a team of people who are good at what they do so you can be good at what you do.

Are there one or two key people that you have drawn inspiration from over the years? If so, who and why?

My partner Neil, as I admire his mental strength and inelegance. His life story from the gangs in Glasgow to representing the special forces and going on to operate in some of the worlds most hostile environments as a PC yet he remains so centered and grounded in his own identify. A true Alpha male is a great source of inspiration and support for any women to have in her life.

My clients. The stories of the men, women and teens who come to my events and workshops inspire my pursuit of this rebellion. They are a testament to the human spirit and the ability to transform their lives from great pain for some to freedom.

What parts of Australia and the world has your business taken you to?

All over Australia. From Regional NSW to WA, it has taken me everywhere in the country.

How has the internet helped expand your business?

Without a doubt. Social Media has been the most powerful communication tool for my business. But it comes with its rules and management tools. You must honour those in order to make that platform work for you.

What business and life achievements are you most proud of?

Building Emazon TV profile of clients without ANY agents, agencies or big budget advertising campaigns. As it stands at the point it is, the following is derived from the pure connection of referral and being really good at what you do. Even though those support platforms may be used in the future for different types of projects, I am proud that in the growth stages were fueled by "connection" not manufacture marketing. It tested by skill, my authenticity and my intentions for doing what I do. You cannot be inauthentic or manufactured in this space and the success of Emazon is a testament to that.

What do you do to relax?

With my man and my puppies tucked up away in our little castle we call home.


Emazon TV
