Interview - Kym Patricia Coon

Interview: Kym Patricia Coon, Yoga Practitioner and Social and Community Entrepreneur - 20th April 2008


What do you do on a day to day basis?

I care for my two young children aged 4 & 2. I teach Yoga most days and when I can, I take them with me, where they are cared for in the Centre’s Creche. Everyday I practice Yoga outdoors and each night I meditate when the kids have gone to sleep.

In your own words, what is Yoga?

Yoga is a spiritual practice and a path to peace, health and happiness.

What was the major appeal of Yoga for you, and how and when did you start to turn it into a career?

I enjoyed all the benefits of Yoga; feeling physically fit, emotionally balanced, mentally refreshed and spiritually aware.

My Ah-ha moment came at my first Yoga class in 2000. I knew then and there that Yoga would become a major part of my life. I felt my inner light had been switched on. So with great passion and purpose I completed my Diploma of Yoga Teacher Training a year later and have been teaching up to 10 classes a week since.
I believe that if you do what you love you will love what you do, and then anything is possible.

How did the Foxtel deal with Yoga With Kym come about, and how did this fit in with your Yoga with Kym DVD?

My husband and I seen an ad on Foxtel's’ Aurora Channel asking for submissions for it’s DIY TV series. I sent in a copy of my Yoga DVD and they liked it, in fact it’s still being played on Foxtel today.

Tell us about progress where you designed and created your magical logo for your company and DVD?

I designed the logo with a friend who happens to be a graphic artist. It was most important to have the OM symbol – it represents the whole of the universe merged into a single sound – pronounced ‘AUM’. Also, to me, the colours moving from red, to orange and finally to yellow or gold symbolise moving through your energy to reach your golden or enlightened path.

What media appearance have you made to date?

I have enjoyed good reviews in both local and national papers and magazines.
Yoga with Kym has been playing on Foxtel since January 2008.

How does the internet assist you?

I have a website and you can purchase my Yoga DVD online at

I find the internet is also a valuable tool to network and keep up to date with what’s happening in the industry.

What is your definition of success?

Success is Knowing who you Truly are Living the Life you are meant to live.

You've been involved with some great community and humanitarian projects. What can you tell us about Julian's story?

My nephew Julian suffered a terrible accident whilst playing in the family pool in country NSW in January this year. I set about raising as much funds as I could for the Julian and his family – and I haven’t stopped yet!

With the communities help we have raised over $25,000 for Julians Foundation.
I also hope to raise awareness to the potential dangers associated with pool and spa filters.

Why is people power so important, and what's some projects you have been involved in when people power worked miracles?

Both fundraising events, A Day in the Park and Monster Auction for Julian, have proved successful because of the people involved. I believe that when you have compassion and love in the community, you have strength and hope and with that combined energy Miracles are possible.

What mentors do you have, and who would you like to meet and why?

My Mum is my Inspiration – she has always been a positive instrument of unconditional love and strength.

My friend Elisabeth is a great source wisdom and encouragement.

I would like to meet many people but especially Louise Hay, author, speaker, presenter and philanthropist. She has overcome great obstacles in her life to be all that she is today, a wonderful lady who has changed many lives around the world for the better.

What charities and worthy causes are you involved with?

I am a member of Virgin Unite who support many worthy causes the world over. I am planning to do a 45k walk from Dubbo to Wellington in July with some friends in support of Julian. The date, awareness campaign and donation details will be posted on the Virgin Unite website in due course.

I am a member of and have signed the Human Rights declaration – Every Human has Rights.

With as much as you have achieved in life and business to date, I understand you still have some goals and aspirations to pursue. Tell me about these?

I feel like this is just the beginning as we are constantly learning, growing and evolving. I intend to release more material, including affirmation cards, Meditation CD’s and I would like to write a book one day.

What makes health retreats so special to you?

It combines everything the soul needs in one harmonious place.

What expos have you exhibited at in the past and where will you be appearing soon?

I exhibited at MindBodySpirit Festival in November 2007. I plan another exhibition in Sydney later in the year.

You are in good shape and excellent health. What's your diet, and how does this complement our yoga routine?

Well, one of the 5 main principles of Yoga is Proper Diet and this means eating pure, simple and natural foods that are easily assimilated and digested.
I follow this principle because it works for me, I feel better inside and out and I have more energy to do what I need to do.

Why is "me time" so important for a work / life balance?

I really understood this when I became a mother. It’s hard to constantly give when feeling empty or pushed inside. ‘Me time’ is about giving back to yourself so that you can give more of your best self. “Me time” allows the body, mind & spirit to re- connect, to re-charge, re-store and return to the natural state of balance and harmony.

How does yoga provide energy to the body and mind?

Yoga postures help to release physical and emotional tensions and allow new energy to flow through the body. Conscious breathing allows you to connect to the infinite and abundant divine life force, known as prana.

Other than yoga, what else do you do to relax?

I really enjoy a relaxing massage or facial. Although not always relaxing, I love taking my children to feed ducks.

Your currently based in Sydney's west at Dubbo. Where else in Australia would you like to live or work?

After about 8 years in the country I feel the ocean and forest calling. I would love to reside in the majestic Tweed Valley area in northern NSW.

What parts of Australia / the world has yoga taken you?

I was actually trained in England, and during my course I travelled to the unique Osho Leela Temple in Dorset. Yoga has also taken me to London, to Hertfodrshire in England, also to Canberra, Sydney, Byron Bay & Noosa.

What companies or individuals have you really enjoyed working with, and who else would you like to work with if the opportunity presented itself?

Katy Appleton of is a wonderful lady and Yoga Instructor from England. I trained under the guidance of the amazingly blissful Yoga Master Narayani; Narayani is co-author and model of the newly re-published best selling “Book of Yoga” and is a senior disciple of Swami Vishnu Devananda. I would like to work with more teachers, mediums and healers.

What are you currently reading?

Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman.

What's your favourite type of music?

I like a variety of music, but most of all I enjoy Yoga music and chants. My favourite CD is Pure Ganesh by Guru Ganesha Singh.

How do you make a possible difference in the world?

Be your best self, display random acts of kindness, smile more, laugh more, look at areas in your local community that need help; schools, animal shelters, old peoples homes. Ask yourself how can I help? and take positive action - now.

What are the biggest challenges you have ever overcome?

A great challenge for me was moving through the post-natal depression I suffered after the birth of my second child.

What's your motto?

Believe in your self and ‘Let the golden light of your soul radiate to the world’

How do you motivate yourself, and how do you motivate others?

I have always been quite self-motivated. I feel inspired by life, by my children, by feeling good and by contribution - this motivates me. I hope I motivate others to look deeper into their own lives, to awaken to who they truly are and to what they came here to do.

Hidden talents?

It makes no sense to hide ones talents.

Where will you be 5 years from now?

I will have my own Retreat Centre somewhere between the mountains and the ocean.

Editors note: One can sense the genuine benefits of yoga and Kym's positive energy. If your interested in yoga Kym's television show and DVD are a must watch.


Yoga With Kym


Yoga With Kym


Julians Story

Mind, Body and Spirit

Aurora Community Channel

Social and Community Entrepreneurs