Interview - Jason Healy

Interview: Jason Healy, VP, Business Development, Gold Coast Girls

We explore the world of risque telephony!

1. what's your background?

I was born in North Queensland and moved with my family to Brisbane where I spent most of my time growing up as a kid. The whole time growing up I was somewhat close to the media as my father was the number one breakfast announcer in Brisbane for 10 or 12 years with FM104 & Triple MMM. I then went to the Seattle Washington in the US to finish my high school and college studying and playing basketball. Returning to Australia I got back involved with professional basketball on various levels working with teams and basketball related companies in the marketing and public relations areas. I then by chance got introduced to the Premium SMS market here in Australia and the rest is history as they say…

2. what is Funbox?

Funbox is a leading Premium SMS content provider in Australia and was actually the first to start sms dating or chat and was also the first to start advertising such products on TV. Besides Australia we now provide services in the USA, Canada and New Zealand. We largely deal with adult type products like Gold Coast Girls but also do your more mainstream services like sports trivia, horoscopes, picture services and ringtones.

3. how and why does the adult industry drive innovation and new media?

I think if you look across any new media and the internet is the perfect example. If you want to know if a new technology or advertising medium will work the adult industry will be the one to lead the way. Its very common knowledge that the internet would not be as successful as it is today without the influence and pioneering of the adult industry. The adult sector was the first to make money via the internet and the first to really market and advertise services with things such as banners and affiliate marketing. The mobile phone industry is no different. I always ask people what was the first photocopy, fax or mobile picture that you sent and then I say it was a photocopy of someone's butt which was faxed to someone else and then they took a picture with their camera phone and sent it to a mate!

4. what are the highlights of your career?

I've always been a very driven and motivated person, so each little step for me along the way has been exciting. While they may not sound exciting to anyone else they have each brought me to where I am and lead me to what I am doing today. Having said that, the overwhelming highlight for me was about 4 years ago hitting rock bottom and having to clean toilets to get by and thinking I would do whatever it takes to never put myself in that position again. It may not sound like a highlight but it was a life changing moment that I will never forget. I will always remember a piece of simple advice I was given that is by far the best and most simple piece of advice I have ever been given, "You are your choices!"

5. what's so appealing about Gold Coast Girls?

I'm very bias when it comes to Gold Coast Girls, but I am also very proud of the product and what it has done so far. The appealing aspect of GCG is the fact that it is reality based and it allows subscribers to look into a world that they possibly don't have access to. A world where hot young women party and have fun to the absolute fullest. The fact that you get an all access pass into this world and get to interact with it in some way and be a part of it. Its also a type of community because the members can post their comments to the blog and hear what other members have to say aswell has the girls as they post on the blog also. There is also the proven ingredient of sex and nudity which always helps…..

6. where can we see these hot Gold Coast Girls?

The Gold Coast Girls is predominately a mobile phone based service so you can subscribe via your mobile and view the WAP site on mobile and most handheld devices. We also offer a web interface that allows subscribers to look at the same content sent to their phone, but in higher resolution. As part of the service the web site access is free to subscribers. They can access both via mobile and internet 24/7. All services and subscription can be done through In a very exciting announcement GCG will be going on the road. In the coming months we will be announcing GCG tours all over the country where the public will be able to hang out and party with the Gold Coast Girls crew at various bars and clubs. Locals will be able to be part of GCG experience as we take the party round the country filming.

7. what's the comparisons with Girls Gone Wild all about?

Girls Gone Wild is a somewhat similar product in the US that documents the partying and exploits of College Girls 'going wild' and partying which has been a feature of college campuses and parties for decades. It is the most successful service of its kind and is a tremendous tribute to Joe Francis and his team. Girls Gone Wild focus on the DVD market where as Gold Coast Girls is a mobile service which are two very different mediums. GGW is more of a packaged and polished product where GCG is more reality based I think without the polish and editing. There is not a lot that we don't show, we don't edit very much and we show all the in's and out's of what happens when we have a Gold Coast Girls party. GGW is a great product but, again I'm somewhat bias, I think Gold Coast Girls is a more exciting product because of it's flexibility and strong reality focus…. Its all REAL!!

8. what are the main challenges you have overcome?

I think anytime you get involved in the adult arena you're going to have to jump a few hurdles and take some stick. That's just par for the course. I don't necessarily see any particular hurdles I think that it has huge possibilities and it's a very exciting product so that makes me jump the hurdles without really paying attention to them!

9. why is mobile telephony the future of communications?

I think its part of the big picture, I don't think it is the future as some people claim. We are becoming more mobile and more impatient with our communications and entertainment so what such products as mobile phones and handhelds allow us to do is access information on the go and communicate at the same time. It's about choices and location and these types of services allow us to have control over both of these.

10. what sort of legalities do you have to consider in your line of business?

First and foremost we absolutely have to make sure that minors don't have access to our services. We don't advertise in prime time TV or in publications kids should be reading so Gold Coast Girls doesn't have a huge issue with this but age verification is a hot topic in the mobile world currently and it's definitely an important issue for all of us. The other issue with selling your wares in the US is their US 2257 laws, but that's a whole interview in itself. Essentially the girls and viewers have to be consenting adults 18 years or above and NO COMPROMISES!

11. how many customers do you have?

At this early stage after only 6 months of operation Gold Coast Girls has 25,000 + customers in Australia and growing at about 150 per day. Worldwide we have yet to see the response but we are very excited about the possibilities and interest so far. Having said all that it is very successful and profitable so I'm happy.

12. what's the annual business turnover?

No comment………. We are a privately owned company so we don't want to give out our details. Let's just say its very successful and rewarding work!

13. might you ever float on the stockmarket, much like Private Media made NASDAQ?

I never say never but I've got friends who have gone that route and to be honest it doesn't interest us in the slightest. It also doesn't service our purpose currently as we are not in need of raising huge amounts of capital.

14. what sort of other opportunities are on your radar, without giving away too much?

In the premium sms market we will be expanding into overseas markets with our current products and Gold Coast Girls and without giving to much away keep your eyes open for Gold Coast Guys!..... if you're that way inclined.

15. why is visibility in the media a good thing for Funbox?

Media exposure or visibility is not so much of an issue for Funbox as it is for brands like Gold Coast Girls which is its own entity. I think it is a natural progression and healthy for GCG to have some media exposure and public identity for its future growth.

16. is Funbox in the Eros Association?


17. what motivates you?

Fun and excitement! I always say people do things for two reasons when you boil it down; Either to gain pleasure or to avoid pain. Sounds very simplistic but at the heart of every decision this balancing act is going on. So I always try to get involved in projects or business that excites me because then the motivation takes care of itself. Also I have a very short attention span so I'm either excited or I'm gone…..

18. where will you be in 5 years?

Tough question, I'm not really sure to be honest. Where ever I am I hope its happy and still doing what I love to do! Would like to eventually own a bar on a beach in Jamaica relaxing and enjoying myself.

19. what are your top 10 favourite websites?

20. who is your dream girl and / or favourite Gold Coast Girl?

My dream girl is that girl that considers me her dream guy! (Corny) As far as the Gold Coast Girls go I did fall for one once, but that's old news so lets keep that between us. The four original Gold Coast Girls, Alex, Hayley, Jacquie and Kat, will always be my favourites as they are what started it all.


Who are your business mentors, and why?

Bill Healy - my Dad - he was the first business person I knew and saw and has taught me so much in business and as a person.
Michael Jordan - the best athlete ever and a great business man
Donald Trump - just his drive and attitude that anything is possible
Kerry Packer - apart from being an amazing business man I think he was great person and should be a role model for aspiring business people.
Larry Flynt - as far as the adult world goes he was a pioneer and paid a huge price for his beliefs.
Sir Richard Branson - I think he is an amazing guy who does what excites him and he believes is right. He also seems very humble and down to earth.

Who are the world's top 10 adult industry entrepreneurs, and are you in the mix?

There are two people that really stick out for my mind and they are Joe Francis from Girls Gone Wild and Bob from Both are extremely successful but are also who they are, they don't try to be someone else or polish their image. They have fun at what they do and continue to push despite the odds.

As far as me being in their realm I wouldn't even begin to compare business stature but I like to think I am true to who I am and I'm sure my friends and family would say I definitely have my own way and personality and don't try and change that for anyone.

What's the key elements of your business model, from a business and marketing perspective?

The key factor for Gold Coast Girls is the reality aspect the fact that these are real girls doing everyday things in normal environments that most people can relate to. It's very easy to produce or create a product when you are in control of all aspects but I think it's far more appealing and exciting to the customer when it's real and largely unscripted. I think it is also very important to be up front and honest about your service.

What do you say to claims that Gold Coast Girls is a scam?

This was due to an unfortunate miscalculation on my part. We run a huge range of products and services in the premium sms market and I thought it would be a great idea to advertise the Gold Coast Girls to our other customers. Unfortunately the customers didn't see the connection between the services they were currently using and the Gold Coast Girls and naturally some thought it was spam. It was unfortunate but you live and learn in this business and that was a hard lesson as I take any criticism of Gold Coast Girls personally.




Gold Coast Girls

Mobile Telephony