Interview - Paul Hough

Interview: Paul Hough, Director, The Backyard - 21st November 2003


What makes a good promoter?

A good promoter makes you excited about something. Be it boxing, wrestling, an event, a movie etc. They get you so excited that there's a great sense of anticipation about what you're going to see. Ditto documentary maker!

The ability to show something in a compelling way. No matter what the subject a good doc has to grip the audience. Doc makers need to be aware of this when shooting their subjects or material and shoot it the most exciting way possible.

Who have been your biggest supporters?

Film critics have been really supportive. Like The New York Times, Chicago Tribune etc. Barry Blaustein, who made Beyond The Mat, also really helped with his support. He gave me a quote to use on the poster, and because of Beyond The Mat a lot of wrestling fans trust him - and thus have now heard of the film. Rob Van Dam was also tremendous in appearing in the film. Without everyone's help the film would not have got out there like it has.

What's the biggest misconception about making a documentary?

The biggest misconception about docs in general is that they're boring.

I certainly have seen a ton of boring documentaries - but that really applies to anything. There are a ton of boring films out there.

Luckily people have really embraced The Backyard and as a result the audience reaction is a mix of humor and shock.

What's the biggest misconception about backyard wrestling?

The biggest misconception is that backyard wrestling can directly lead to professional wrestling.
Ultimately to become a pro you need to go to a wrestling school. Most people think that backyard
wrestling is a pure white trash thing...but that's something THE BACKYARD examines too.

What other projects do you have in the works?

I'm currently working on my next project which is a horror/thriller.

What inspires and motivates you?

When I was young I saw a lot of TV. There was one program that forever shaped the way I look at things.

It was like a Star Trek - but on the very last episode EVERYONE died. All the good guys died!

As a young kid it traumatized me - but in a great way! I realized that it was unique and memorable. Its those moments in life that are the most exciting, and its those moments I want to create in my film making career.


Editors note: Paul Hough is passionate about his work, is unique and edgy. Paul is not afraid to push the boundaries, and we will be hearing more from this exciting, talented director.


The Backyard official website

Australian Sports and Entertainment Portal: Backyard Wrestling

The Backyard: Film Review by Garth Franklin, Dark Horizons