Steve Spernak, Campaign Director for Brooke Adams,
Candidate for California Governor: 25
August 2003

Media Man Australia continues to offer media coverage
to campaigners for the governorship of California.
Tingle speaks at length with Steve Spernak, Campaign
Director for Brooke Adams.
discusses how Brook and her team plan to win the election.
Steve outlines the financial mismanagement California
has suffered, and how Brook aims to pick up the youth
vote, disenchanted with traditional politicians, and
technology savvy voters, who will be listening to
this very interview, via the Internet.
to the interview - part a
to the interview - part b
note: Brooke Adams has an astute, sound and powerful
team behind her. From all accounts, Brook Adams and
her team are in this race for the right reasons. With
Brooke's background in Australia, she may also pick
up a few votes from the yanks who find Australians
"flavor on the month". As Steve points out,
they will not succumb to "gimmicks" and
cheap TV. They are serious about winning the election.
Team Adams may just win this thing!
Adams for Governor official website
Bio of Brook Adams: (courtesy Brook Adams official
Adams, 25, was born in Mission Viejo, California.
A life-long resident of Southern California, Brooke
is the daughter of Orange County Superior Court Judge,
John Adams, and Sally Adams, a high school teacher.
distinguished herself early in life as an outstanding
student at Huntington Beach High School. As a freshman,
she was elected to the student body government. She
was later elected Vice-President of the Junior Class.
talented athlete, Brooke lettered on the Cheerleading
Team all four years of high school. A popular student,
she was elected the Homecoming Queen of 1995. Brooke
graduated from Huntington Beach High School in 1996.
began her college career at the University of Oregon.
While majoring in journalism, Brooke served as a freelance
reporter for the Emerald Student Newspaper. In 1998,
Brooke transferred to the University of Southern California,
where she graduated in 2000, with Honors, from the
prestigious Walter Annenberg School of Communication.
a student at USC, Brooke served internship positions
with ABC and CNN, where she assisted in developing
news stories and interviews. After graduation, Brooke
went to work as an Assistant Account Executive with
the Young Company, an advertising and media firm with
offices in Los Angeles and Orange County. After a
brief stint as an on-air reporter for a Los Angeles
television station, Channel 35, Brooke joined Gramercy
Partners, a publishing firm based in Los Angeles,
as an Account Executive.
has a keen ear for listening and a job that brings
her in daily contact with business leaders throughout
California. She is acutely aware of the damage the
Davis administration has done to businesses large
and small. As Governor, one of her top priorities
will be to improve business opportunities, reduce
government red tape and fix workers comp.
said, "My administration will welcome business
back to California with open arms. Our top priority
will be fiscal responsibility and improving California's
bond rating."