Randi Drasin, Director, Randi's Fitness for Kids:
19th August 2003

explore the world of running a fitness center for
kids. Randi discusses the benefits of a healthy lifestyle,
fitness for kids and more.
your background?
was not born into an athletic household!!! but got
into gymnastics and dance as a child...excelled in
gymnastics, bombed in dance as I didn't hold an ounce
of grace back in those days!!! got into aerobics in
high school and college and then in to weight training
after college due to a holiday gift membership at
gold's gym. after high school graduation I went to
the local university to study....believe it or not....communications/television
production....thought I was going to be a famous TV
producer some day! ended up getting a job for a production
company after getting my B/A degree and found out
early on that it just wasn't the life for me. at that
point I had been working out at gold's gym, met ric...fell
in married...and became a personal fitness
trainer. stayed with that for a while, gave birth
to our daughter, Sami and decided to take on working
with kids as I wanted a life that would include our
daughter. I didn't want to become one of those mom's
that throw their kids into day care all day and end
up not knowing their own child!!! so that's the story
of how randi's fitness for kids got started.
sports did you do at school?
I was more into hanging around the football players
and cheerleaders but wasn't actually a participant.
though I did belong to the ski club both in high school
and college and managed to go on all the ski trips
around the US.
our audience a little about your own kids athletic
is a true a subtle kind of way...she
was a born gymnast true and true. got on the team
at the local park and excelled by 7 years old doing
round-off back handsprings and aerials. but couldn't
handle the 7 hours a week of training and wanted no
part of it. then decided to try her hand (or feet)
at dance!
with hip hop and tap...then started ballet. 3 years
of ballet and she is now in pointe shoes. she takes
3 ballet classes a week outside of school and is in
a performing arts middle school where she gets ballet/jazz
everyday in lieu of PE.
is fitness and good lifestyle important for kids,
as well as for adults?
need to learn early on that eating right and staying
fit is and will be the most important aspect of their
life. though they won't understand or appreciate that
until they actually become adults! if they start now
it will be less of a problem for them as adults and
they may not have to work as hard at it because of
their prior knowledge.
are the longer term benefits for kids getting used
to a healthy lifestyle?
they learn how to eat right as kids they won't have
to retrain themselves as's like teaching
an old dog new tricks. also if they involve themselves
in some sort of fitness as a kid, like gymnastics,
dance, soccer etc....they will already understand
how much exercise will benefit them in the future.
is much more information about health issues...cholesterol,
heart disease, etc...than there was in the past. so
we need to pass on this information to our children
as much and as often as we can.
must be demanding at times being married to a professional
wrestlers / bodybuilder. How does sharing a healthy
lifestyle work out well for you both?
only demanding when Ric gets injured....knock on wood...we
don't want any more of that!!!!
all kidding's been loads of fun being
able to go to the wrestling shows and watch how all
the fans get so excited to see the wrestlers. I kind
of just stand back and observe. it's more fun that
far as sharing a healthy life makes things
easier because we both go to gold's gym, he wrestles,
I do gymnastics as well as teach it, we both eat the
same way, healthy, so there's no argument about the
food I buy. We also teach our daughter about eating
healthy and exercising...she's a dancer and a gymnast.
are why did you start offering classes breaking away
from traditional fitness, like magic, acting and cartooning?
is competitive here in Los you've got
to keep up. I had only fitness classes for the 1st
5 years, gymnastics, dance, martial arts and cheerleading
but I found that the more classes I could offer the
more successful my business would become. And my ultimate
goal is to go to a school and be able to provide them
with their entire after-school enrichment program.
I have 2 schools that I do that with now...still working
on the other 10, though it may take some time.
any of the kids or their parents ever get hesitant
when they find out that there are 1 or 2 wrestlers
"hanging around the scene"? : ) any funny
or interesting stories you can tell?
Gosh love it! Their kids get so excited when
they meet Ric that they can't wait to run home and
tell their parents. I got Ric involved with a camp
that I've taught gymnastics at for the past 4 summers...they
asked him to come and do an wrestling demo...well....the
kids went nuts!!! They must have all gone home and
told their parents because now when they seem him
in the mall or at a restaurant they tug on their mom
and say "see Mom I told you I met a real wrestler"!!!!
knowledgeable are you about pro wrestling?
can't imagine that Ric would not tell you anything
about it, as its never a dull moment. I feel that
I'm pretty knowledgeable about the business...I know
what kaye fabe is!!!
gives you the edge, in your fitness for kids, and
in life in general?
to toot my own horn or anything...but I feel that
my business is successful because I 'm not just "The
Boss" or the "Lady who runs the company",
I actually get out there and teach some of my gymnastics
classes, I teach all of my summer camps and I get
out there and do the warm ups, drills and demonstrate
the skills I'm trying to teach my students. I don't
just sit behind a desk shuffling papers. I'm active
and the kids LOVE when myself and my instructors demonstrate
skills. This I feel puts my company above some of
the others I'm in competition with. As far as life
in general...I think that being active, staying in
shape, still training for gymnastics puts me in a
better zone than those other parents and business
people who live sedentary lives.
are some of the success stories to come out of your
fitness camps and centre?
of my students are success stories as far as I'm concerned.
I have given them self esteem, taught them coordination
and how to use their creativity. That to me puts them
all heads and shoulders above the others!
are you able to make a positive difference in peoples
provide kids and families with activities that enrich
their lives. I truly believe that in offering my program
they are not only staying safe and out of trouble
but they are learning skills that they may not otherwise
have the opportunity to learn. My program does not
eliminate those that can not afford these types of
classes. It is open to all as I offer scholarships.
I have also taught them self esteem and make them
understand that no matter how good or bad they are
at whatever skill we are teaching them that they are
working within their limits and they are doing the
best they can.
your motto?
enrich all no matter what!
do you select your staff?
try to be picky!!! They need to have had past training
in whatever skill they are going to teach. for instance,
prior gymnastics training and understanding of spotting
kids, Black belt in martial arts, Schooling for my
cartooning teachers etc... Most of my staff comes
from friends of those that currently work for me or
I place ads at the local colleges. It is not easy
to find those that want only part time work as I can't
offer full time hours since schools dismiss at 2:30
or 3 pm and each class is usually an hour long.
is it important to keep training fun?
if the kids get bored you'll lose them. If you lose
them they don't sign up again and they tell all their
friends to not sign up.
has the Internet helped you and Ric?
helps me communicate with my school directors and
instructors on scheduling classes. In addition my
web site is very informational in that any new schools
I may contact can actually see who I am as well as
my instructors, they can also download the class descriptions
and the director letter. It's easier than me sending
out a presentation package. Also I have been able
to sell costumes, tickets, flowers and videos to my
big "Extravaganza" Recital I have every
June for the kids to show off their newly learned
skills to family and friends.
it's election time in California, I need to ask, just
how popular is Arnold Schwarzenegger in your part
of town? Ric and I can't be the only supporters :
) Are you game to make a prediction?
love the fact that he is running for governor. I personally
think he's going to win. I think that all the kids
will beg their parents to vote for the Terminator!!!!
do you stay motivated?
I have to portray what I teach and preach. Therefore
I must say in shape as a representative of my company.
And yeah I get bored weight training...but I LOVE
my gymnastics training!!!! I have so much fun doing
round off back handsprings and aerials knowing that
1..I can stay in shape and 2...I can keep up with
the young ones!!!!! I have to show them up every now
and then!
do our readers need to pop into the centre in person,
and see for themselves?
there isn't an actual center....maybe some day...I
run the company out of my office and my instructors
go to actual pre-schools, elementary schools and middle
schools to teach the classes. But they should take
a look at my web site (
to see what my company is all about and understand
the importance of enriching others!
else should we know?
I created this company as a way of including my family
in my life, not having to go to a 9-5 job at an office
all day then coming home and having dinner with them.
That is not my idea of a life! I am an active person
and I wanted to turn that activeness into
why not turn my knowledge on to others in hopes that
they in turn pass it along in life.
note: An amazing women, who runs an amazing business.
Fitness with kids, and wrestler's hang around the
scene. Sounds like fun.
by Randi Drasin:
to read a food label - Eating Right
fit during pregnancy
facts for kids
need fitness too!
Eating, the Way to Healthy Weight in Pre-Schoolers
Fitness for Kids
Man Australia, Greg Tingle, interviews Ric Drasin
- 18th June 2003
Man Australia, Greg Tingle, interviews Ric Drasin
- 16th July 2003
Man Australia: Ric Drasin profile
Tingle, interviews Steve Rackman, Australian wrestling
legend and gym operator - 25th May 2003
Man Australia: Sports News
Arnold Schwarzenegger: King of bodybuilding, movies,
politics and media, by Greg Tingle