Rhys O'Connell

Rhys O'Connell

Events Promoter and Social Entrepreneur

I have a dream to help make a better life for the less fortunate, to try and bring peace and tolerance between people from all walks of life.

By giving my time and energy to make a difference.

If you would like to be a part of this, come with me (Rhys O'Connell, CEO, ROC Presents).

Glenn Wheatley and Rhys O'Connell

Richard Branson and Rhys O'Connell


ROC Presents

2009 News

Rhys O'Connell to be heard on Radio 5AA

2008 News

August - Rhys O'Connell inks deal with Mario Maiolo Promotions

August - O'Connell makes semi final of E Entrepreneurs' Challenge, Adelaide

July - O'Connell provides business consultation to Media Man re Greenfest

June - O'Connell provides consultation to Media Man Australia re V Australia and Tony Rafty OAM


Interview - 5th October 2006


ROC Presents

Mario Maiolo Promotions

Virgin Unite



Jac Bowie


South Australia

Social and Community Entrepreneurs

Media Man Australia CEO, Greg Tingle, is the Marketing Director for ROC Presents

Rhys O'Connell publicly congratulates beyondblue and Virgin Unite for their outstanding community work

Media Man Australia public acknowledgement of Rhys O'Connell's support of Virgin Unite

Rhys O'Connell assisted Media Man Australia in preparation for the Virgin Blue Hanger Ball 2008