Google Follows the Money Trail to Gambling

Google Follows the Money Trail to Gambling

UK allows gambling companies to advertise on TV and Google jumps on board to allow online casinos and bingo to advertise on their UK domain. It's a wise financial decision and Google knows it.

In an about turn on their own policies regarding online gambling, Google now allows commercials by online casinos and bingo operators on their UK portal.

The news comes after a global four-year ban by Google's Adword service. Online Casinos will now flood Google UK web space as they do battle for British customers.

Financial reasons

Google realizes that they stand to lose revenue by continuing to block online gambling commercials. Despite heavy pressure from the US to block online gambling ads, Google wants to be sure that it is in line with current local business practices.

Online bingo is keen to get involved by promoting their game online. Advertising budgets are swelling as these new opportunities open up. Bingo companies are biting at the chance to promote their game on television and online portals.

It's all good news for bingo brands such as PartyBingo, Virgin Bingo and affiliate programs such as The Bingo Affiliates will be looking to make the most of the new opportunities that present.

On the surface Google advertising has hit the jackpot with these new developments.



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