Sports and media agency joins in social media banter on professional wrestling; Focus on positives and opportunities

Sports and media agency joins in social media banter on professional wrestling; Focus on positives and opportunities - January - February 2018


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Credit: SBS Housos

Nicole Sharrock shared a post.
January 24 at 7:18 PM ·
That time I kicked Frankys Ass cos he stole me microwave, plasma n all me f'n G'Bangas ??????
Tell me whats youre favorite scene of mine?

Greg Tingle Some of the greatest modern day Aussie cult classic television. That is an absolute compliment. I wonder how this character would go in NXT, GLOW next seasons, WOW, Impact Wrestling? Book it Vince, Cody or Khan : ) #youregonnanoticeus #thisiswrestling

Nicole Sharrock Greg Tingle welcome thats why i did this for. Haha I gotta get my name out there too ??

Greg Tingle

You go girl (woman, but girl sounds better. Maybe I watched too much GLOW). This is just off the charts. Could give a few folks like Lawler or Hayes a bit of a shock, or they quickly knock on VKM"s door and say "I discovered her first". Hey, fact is stranger than fiction. Get in Kevin Elk's and Mike Mooneyham's radar, if you are not already. You're on my radar, but I'm often beachside at Maroubra or Bondi Beach...not up in New York or Connecticut. Keep me in the loop and if in Sydney on the east coast give a holler. I and many others are expecting big things from you. Full respect you legend in the making : ) I'm almost tempted to ask to be your agent, but you probably don't need one. You're friggin pretty good at promotion yourself..maybe you have studied Chris Jericho also : )

Nicole Sharrock
Nicole Sharrock Greg Tingle haha thanks mate i appreciate that tons



Kevin Eck

So now the "cool" thing for WWE smart marks to do is boo Ronda Rousey. What has she done wrong? She's someone who clearly loves and respects the business and works a full-time schedule, which means she's basically the anti-Brock Lesnar. What she has in common with Lesnar is that she is more of a household name than anyone else on the roster and she adds legitimacy to the WWE brand. What really bothers me is that last night on Raw the marks weren't booing Rousey the character, they were booing Rousey the human being and were determined to hijack her segment. They were like an angry mob. Disgusting.


Greg Tingle It would seem that some fans are just not very mature i.e emotionally. Ronda Rousey is a great performer. She's come over from the martial arts - MMA world and has made a beautiful transitioning to professional wrestling aka sports entertainment. She's expressed a desire to take time off to focus on family etc. Nothing wrong with that at all. Rousey also shares part of her life on her YouTube Channel. That's very giving. And, she's starting to secure other entertainment industry projects such as being the voice for Sonya Blade in the new video game release. She is a hard worker, switched on and she makes things happen. At present alot of it plays out via the WWE machine. A truly gifted individual. As the expression goes, Haters Gonna Hate. Researchers have also drawn links on this type of scenario as some people hating themselves. I'm not a doctor or medical professional. I'm a media and sports agent with a background in journalism and subscriber television sales, and a lifelong wrestling fan. Kevin, if you would like to use any of my comments for coverage on the subject you are welcome. Cheers from Maroubra Beach, Sydney, Australia. Greg




Graham Tripp
January 28 at 8:26 PM ·
I won $90 betting on pro wrestling today. How good is life


Greg Tingle Good work. I heard the late, great, Bobby Heenan hit bookies for over $10,000 plus a few years before he passed away. Heenan was alleged to be getting the match results sent to him and picked ever single match result and the bookies got hit really hard. Well, they did call Bobby 'The Brain'. I think it's a true story. Wonder who leaked the results to him. Winners are grinners. Long live The Brain. Big congrats on the win. Next time hit them really hard : )


Nathan Jones Hi guys..if you get a friend request & strange message from another Nathan Jones profile, it's a fake account! Thanks!

Greg Tingle Thanks Nathan. There's nothing fake about you sir : )



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