Media Man Trumps Up Interest In Whitsunday's

Media Man Trumps Up Interest In Whitsunday's, by Miller Markson

There's been a lot of talk about property investment in the Whitsunday region lately.

Unless you've been sleeping on a sun bed under a palm tree, you would have heard of Ivana Trump's luxury resort plans, via Aquiplan, for the Whitsunday's Airlie Beach.

One may wonder if it is coincidence or not, that Ivana is flashing her pearly whites "down under" (on the top end), whilst her ex, Donald Trump, is making history on his award winning Reality TV project, 'The Apprentice'?

It's hard to argue with the potential of the Whitsunday's.

There's a Bulahdelah (regional NSW) based entrepreneur named Tingle who recognised the potential of the Whitsunday region last year, just as he was getting ready to leave Sydney's "rat race". Tingle's awareness of Airlie came via way of e-mail lead that was originally heading for his mentor of sorts, promotional king pin, Max Markson.

I caught up with Tingle at his favourite cafe at Bulahdelah, and here's the skinning on what this self described caffeine addict said, "I'm very excited about my deal with Whitsunday property developers X. They sent me an e-mail last year about securing some top line entertainers, who I recently secured with Max's (Markson's) assistance. The X's needed big names and wow factor, and we secured them Jon Stevens and Kate Ceberano! When I realised the X's ruled the roost in Airlie, and had prime real estate on the market, I thought, I want a piece of that action".

There's a few rumours on the street that Markson has just written Tingle a big, fat cheque, and that Tingle is campaigning and pitching the likes of Nine's 'Getaway', The Real Estate Institute and even The Coastal Channel, in the U.S, who by the way, is another happy client of Tingle's!

One ponders the question, is there's anyone whose anyone that hasn't been touched by the Tingle magic?

Tingle is optimistic that the real life battle between Trump and Branson in the Reality TV space will result in a real estate buying war on the Whitsunday's. For the uninitiated, one of Tingle's clients is a Richard Branson look-a-like, and Tingle's mate, "Jake" (Media Juice) enjoys the original Branson's patronage. We know Branson likes the water...he purchased an island off QLD a few years back. Perhaps he might like a piece of Airlie for his upcoming 'Quest For The Best'!

This Tingle chap is not shy about letting the world in on his connections. One of Australia's most popular media websites belongs to this energetic promotional entrepreneur Do a search in Google for terms like Branson Australia, Trump Australia, "Whitsunday Trump", and to no surprise, Tingle's Mediaman website comes up trumps! He's also taken the liberty to secure !

So, what's all this banter mean?

For one, we know that many a media man is fired up about the opportunities in Northern Queensland, but what about you?

If you want some newsworthy, all be it, entertainment industry newsworthy property way up north, Whitsunday way...

At the same time, you will be doing your bit to ensure upstart Tingle, Australia's real life version of 'The Apprentice', makes his commission, and survives yet another round of life, in the promotional fast-lane. This "kid" makes 'The Block' look bland! Be quick, this opportunity won't last.




Markson Sparks!

Trump Online


NBC - The Apprentice

The Coastal Channel / Coastal News Network


Donald Trump

Richard Branson

Greg Tingle

The Virgin Files


Whitsunday's play Trump card - July 2004

Branson to battle the Donald - 2nd April 2004

Branson buys island for staff - Is this guy the best boss in the world? - 17th May 2003

Austin / Hogan Working With Donald Trump & Mr T

Sydney-siders head north, by Greg Tingle

Stars come out to play


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